Ricardez Photo

A Life Well Captured

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Ricardez Photo

A Life Well Captured

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A picture with words

Do Street Photos Need  People?

The Main Topic Of Including People In Your Picture Needs To Be Complete By Thinking About The Theme Or Setting You Prefer For Your Photograph.

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Code of Conduct

Follow The Rules Of Street Photography And Stand To Create Art That Tends To Inspire And Help People Come Up With Better Solutions To Life.


Respect and Smile

Learn The Definition Of Respect In Taking Someone’s Consent And Understanding Their Side Of Whether Or Not They Want To Be Clicked.


Photographing Children

Always Be Aware Of Your Subjects And Go Beyond Ways To Receive Permission While Photographing Children.

Take Pictures of Street Musicians

Understand The Combination And Implementation Of Art By Clicking Pictures Of Street Musicians Soon After Taking Their Permission.

Photograph the Backs of People

When Individual Minds Look Towards The Horizon Or The Distance, They Tend To Form a Setting That Brings In The Basic Essentials Of a Photograph.

A Touch of the Exotic

Get the Latest Photography Pose

Move Ahead Under The Basis Of Being Aesthetic As Our Services Are All About Creating And Understanding Art.

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Our Gallery

Take a Look At a Set Of Collections That Moves Ahead To Create a Unique Aspect Of Desire.

Shoot From Behind Glass

As a Simple And Effective Tool In Creating An Innovative Appeal, Shooting From Behind a Glass Needs To Be Tried Out. 

Photograph Street Animals

Spread The Message Of Love And Care By Including Street Animals In Your Picture By Waiting For The Right Moment. 


Happy Clients

“Ricardez Photo Provided Me With Immense Opportunities As They Opened My Expectations To Include All That Matters.”

Helen A. Bird

“Teaming Up With Ricardez Photo Was Like Entering An Exclusive Service That Knows All About Street Photography.”

Russell J. Smothers

“Capturing Moments Is Not An Easy Job As It Revolves Around Several Tasks. But Thanks To Ricardez Photo, Everything Seems To Be Simple.”

Regina G. Carter

Adding moments of life

Photographing The Less Fortunate

By Maintaining An Essential Aspect Of Respect, You Can Move Ahead To Seek Permission And Capture Certain Realistic Moments Of Life. As It Gets Combined With Art, The Outcome Will Always Create An Impact.

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Artistic. Joyful

We Shoot From A Distance

The Perfect Shot Comes From a Distance As It Tends To Involve The Complete Picture Without Eliminating Anything From The Frame. Hence, We Always Make Sure To Capture Things From a Distance.

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Capturing Brilliance: The Importance of Photography in Building Your Business Portfolio

In the world of automotive aesthetics, first impressions are everything. When it comes to showcasing your expertise in the ceramic coating, vehicle wraps, and paint protection film installations on luxury vehicles or any vehicle, photography plays a vital role. Explore the significance of high-quality photography in creating a stunning portfolio that captures the brilliance of your work, attracts potential clients, and elevates your reputation in the industry.

Making a Lasting Impression

Photography has the power to create a lasting impression that words alone cannot achieve. By capturing the intricate details, flawless finishes, and vibrant colors of your ceramic coating, vehicle wrap, and paint protection film (PPF) installations, you can showcase the precision and artistry that sets your work apart. High-resolution images that exhibit the captivating transformations on luxury vehicles will leave a lasting impact on potential clients, making them more likely to choose your services.

Showcasing Craftsmanship

Through photography, you can effectively showcase your craftsmanship and attention to detail. Close-up shots that reveal the smoothness of ceramic coatings, the precision of vehicle wrap installations, and the seamless application of paint protection film highlight the quality of your workmanship. By presenting these images in your portfolio, you establish credibility and instill confidence in potential clients, demonstrating your ability to enhance and protect their valuable luxury vehicles.

Engaging Emotions and Aspirations

Photography has the unique ability to evoke emotions and aspirations in viewers. By capturing the elegance, sophistication, and sheer beauty of luxury vehicles enhanced by your services, you can tap into the desires and aspirations of your target audience. Striking images that showcase the gleaming surfaces, impeccable reflections, and flawless protection invoke a sense of desire, prompting potential clients to envision their own vehicles adorned with your expertise.

Building Trust and Reputation

High-quality photography builds trust and enhances your professional reputation. When potential clients browse through your portfolio and see stunning images of luxury vehicles transformed by your ceramic coating, vehicle wrap, and paint protection film services, they gain confidence in your skills and attention to detail. By consistently presenting top-notch visuals, you establish yourself as a reputable professional in the industry, strengthening your brand and attracting discerning clients who value excellence.

Attracting Clients and Expanding Opportunities

Photography acts as a powerful marketing tool, attracting clients and opening doors to new opportunities. Eye-catching visuals displayed in your portfolio, social media platforms, and marketing materials draw the attention of luxury vehicle owners, car enthusiasts, and industry professionals. As your work gains exposure, the quality of your photography plays a crucial role in generating interest, inquiries, and referrals. By consistently presenting stunning images, you expand your client base, forge partnerships with luxury vehicle dealerships, and even attract collaborations with other industry professionals.

In the realm of the vehicle paint protection and customization industry, the importance of photography cannot be overstated. It captures the essence of your craftsmanship, engages emotions, builds trust, and attracts clients. Invest in high-quality photography to create a captivating portfolio that reflects the brilliance of your work, propelling your business to new heights of success.

Exploring the Different Types of Cameras for Photography

When it comes to photography, choosing the right camera is paramount. With a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one suits your needs. Fear not, aspiring photographers! In this article, we’ll journey through the various types of cameras, helping you understand their unique features and guiding you toward finding the perfect tool to capture your creative vision.

Smartphone Cameras: Power in Your Pocket

Let’s begin with the camera that’s always within reach: your smartphone. Modern smartphones boast impressive camera capabilities, allowing you to capture stunning images with ease. With technological advancements, smartphone cameras offer high-resolution sensors, multiple lenses, and advanced photography features. They are ideal for casual photography, street photography, and social media sharing. So, if convenience and versatility are paramount to you, harness the power of your smartphone and unleash your creativity on the go.

Compact Cameras: Pocket-Sized Perfection

Compact cameras, also known as point-and-shoot cameras, are lightweight and portable, making them a popular choice for everyday photography. They offer a range of automatic settings, making them user-friendly for beginners. Compact cameras typically have fixed lenses with zoom capabilities and a variety of shooting modes. While they may not offer the same level of versatility as other cameras, their convenience, ease of use, and compact size make them perfect for travel, street photography, and casual shooting.

DSLR Cameras: The Power of Control

Enter the realm of Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, favored by photography enthusiasts and professionals alike. DSLRs provide exceptional image quality, versatility, and complete manual control over settings. With interchangeable lenses and a robust array of features, including advanced autofocus systems and customizable controls, DSLRs offer unparalleled flexibility. They excel in genres like portrait, landscape, wildlife, and sports photography, where speed and precision are crucial. If you’re passionate about photography and desire creative control over every aspect of your images, a DSLR might be the perfect tool for your artistic endeavors.

Mirrorless Cameras: The Future of Photography

Mirrorless cameras have revolutionized the photography world with their compact size, electronic viewfinders, and exceptional image quality. By eliminating the traditional mirror and optical viewfinder found in DSLRs, mirrorless cameras are more compact and lighter while still offering high performance. They feature interchangeable lenses, advanced autofocus systems, and 4K video capabilities. Mirrorless cameras excel in various genres, from travel and street photography to professional applications. Their versatility, technological advancements, and adaptability to different shooting styles have positioned them as the future of photography.

As you dive into the mesmerizing world of photography, remember that the camera you choose should align with your creative vision, shooting preferences, and budget. Whether it’s the convenience of a smartphone, the simplicity of a compact camera, the control of a DSLR, or the innovation of a mirrorless camera, each type offers unique possibilities. Embrace the magic of photography with the camera that speaks to your artistic soul, and let your vision unfold through captivating images.

Unveiling the Magic of Photography – How To Get Started

Welcome to the fascinating world of photography, where creativity and imagination combine to capture moments that last a lifetime. Whether you’re an aspiring shutterbug or simply looking to dip your toes into this captivating art form, we’ve got you covered. Get ready for an exhilarating journey into the realm of photography, sprinkled with wit and wisdom.

Embrace Your Inner Creativity

Photography is all about unleashing your inner creativity and that irresistible desire to capture the world around you. Embrace your curiosity and cultivate a keen eye for details. Train yourself to observe the interplay of light and shadow, unique perspectives, and captivating compositions. Remember, the best camera is the one you have with you, so don’t hesitate to start snapping with your smartphone if that’s what you have at hand.

Master the Camera Basics

Before embarking on your photographic escapades, acquaint yourself with the basics of your camera. Whether you have a DSLR, mirrorless, or even a trusty point-and-shoot, learn about its features, settings, and modes. Experiment with aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to understand their impact on exposure and creative control. Remember, a good photographer knows their gear like the back of their hand, so dive into the user manual and familiarize yourself with the camera.

Play with Light and Shadows

Light is the photographer’s paintbrush, and shadows add depth and drama to your images. Embrace the magic of golden hour, chase dramatic sunsets, and experiment with silhouettes. Don’t shy away from exploring different lighting conditions and the creative possibilities they offer. Learn to harness natural and artificial light to evoke emotions and tell captivating stories through your photographs. Remember, the play of light and shadows can transform an ordinary scene into something extraordinary.

Frame it, Break it, and Rule it

Composition is the secret ingredient that turns a snapshot into a captivating masterpiece. Explore the rule of thirds, leading lines, symmetry, and unconventional perspectives. But don’t be afraid to break the rules occasionally and embrace your artistic instincts. Photography is a form of self-expression, so dare to experiment, discover your unique style, and let your creativity soar. A good photographer knows the rules, bends them, and creates awe-inspiring images that stand out from the crowd.

Congratulations, you’ve embarked on an exciting journey into the enchanting world of photography. With a curious eye, technical know-how, and a touch of artistic flair, you’re well on your way to capturing extraordinary moments. So, grab your camera, wander through the world with an open mind, and let your creativity paint the canvas of photography. Happy snapping!

Coverting Your Garage Into A Photo Studio

Converting your carport into a garage is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to create individual space or storage space, add extra security to your property & belongings, and create a space to store your vehicle.  Should you have a garage in place already it can also be very beneficial to convert that space into a living space or other individual space like a photo studio or darkroom! 

When deciding to convert your garage or carport into an extra space it is essential that you create the blueprint around the space you are trying to create. For example, if you are looking to create a legit photo studio these are some of the things to keep in mind:

Photo Studio Garage & Carport Conversion

Professional or DIY – the size of the project and the complexity of it depends on if you will need to hire an expert garage door company or you are able to accomplish it yourself. Carport conversion generally requires electrical installation, carpentry, etc. It is best to leave that to the professionals. However, if you are simply adding a few features to your existing garage space you most likely can accomplish it yourself.

Where Is The Light – When you are ready to begin setting up your studio you will need to take into consideration where the light is coming from. Think about what position your garage is facing in terms of the sun and work from there. Creating optimal lighting is essential for photography.

Smooth Flooring – You will need smooth flooring for your seamless paper. You want to prevent the texture of the floor from imprinting into the paper. To prevent this you can utilize plastic flooring first as a DIY option. Or you can opt to have epoxy flooring professionally installed to help create a better texture and easier floor maintenance.

Set-Up Backdrops& Stands – When setting up your stands and backdrop it is important that’s ould you have wheels attached to your stand they are weighed down by something to prevent unwanted movement.

Utilize Your Space – this tends to go hand in hand with the blueprint or initial planning step. You want to utilize the space you have to work with to the best of your advantage. Be smart and research different storage, lighting, and organization methods.

You are definitely able to convert simple garage spaces into a photo studio but with carport conversions, it can be a bit more tricky. Remember to never exceed your limits and instead seek the help of professionals to make sure that safe and reliable garage space is created.

Cool Photography Facts

Photography is an amazing hobby, profession and art that explores perspective and creativity. And while picture taking has now been around for centuries, the beginning of photography and all things in between showcase some pretty incredible facts and info about one of the most amazing & classic forms of art.

Interesting Facts About Photography

  1. Dilish Parekh, a Mumbai photo-journalist has the world’s largest camera collection. He comes in with a total of 4,425 antique cameras at last count.
  2. The first photo capturing a human-being was taken by accident in 1828 by Louis Daguere. He was trying to capture a picture of the landscape & set his exposure to 7 seconds, enough time to capture a man walking by.
  3. The first digital camera was invented in 1975 by Steven Sasson who worked for Kodak Eastman upon its invention
  4. While the count can never really be verified for sure…it is estimated that there are over 1 trillion pictures taken per day throughout the world.
  5. In 1861 Thomas Sutton created the first process for colored photos. He also invented the first known panoramic camera.
  6. Potassium Choride & Aluminum made the very first flashes in photography because when mixed together & introduced to a spark a bright light is created. Mixing the concoction wrong could bring about a massive & violent explosion however, making it an unpopular choice.
  7. The most expensive photograph ever sold was captured in 1999 by Andreas Gursky who then sold it in 2011 for 4.3 million dollars. It is still the most expensive photo ever sold to this day.
  8. The brand Kodak has no real meaning behind it’s name. While most company’s form their name with meaning the founder of Kodak, George Eastman, simply said that he felt th letter K was a strong letter and formed a name around that!

The list of interesting photography facts can go on and on. There are so many interesting facts and tidbits of information out there! We hope you enjoy these facts and photography as much as we do!

Beginner’s Guide To Underwater Photography

The great thing when it comes to underwater photography is that it can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. And while there really are no set rules when it comes to underwater photography, other than RESPECT the marine life & its delicate ecosystem, we have some guidelines to follow to ensure you get the most out of your underwater sessions.

Guidelines To Underwater Photography

Patience Is Key-

You must have tremendous amounts of patience when it comes to underwater photography. Fish don’t understand time schedules and its best to keep in mind that you are in their environment. Relax, enjoy all the beauty that is around you, and wait for the magic to happen. It’s definitely different the shooting street photography!

Increase Your Chances-

The chance you have at magnificent shots is determined by you. You have to be comfortable in the environment you are shooting in in order to relax and really let your style and creativity flow. Go where you are the most comfortable and don’t be afraid to explore a bit or try out different shooting angles. You never know the beauty you might catch.

Variety of Lenses-

When shooting marine life completely underwater it is suggested that you use a fish lens. It lends rounded edges and a unique quality to your shots. A 12-50mm lens variety has a good range & can help with both close-ups underwater as well as capturing some great above water shots as well.

Customize Camera Settings-

Most underwater housings don’t allow you to change the settings once your camera is locked inside. Be sure to keep this in mind and set yourself up beforehand. You will thank yourself later and be glad you subtracted one last issue from your session.

Shoot When Conditions Are Good-

The ocean has a mind of its own and conditions can change on the spot. Make sure that good conditions are in store before planning an underwater photography session. If you notice a change in the currents, winds, or any other weather element it is best to save your shoot for another day. You don’t want to get caught in a potentially dangerous situation and marine life can sense a storm or rough waters coming as well!

Know Your Boundaries-

Know what you are and aren’t comfortable with when going in the water. If you are with others that are more comfortable than you and go outside your boundaries, don’t follow. It is never worth risking your safety or life for a potential shot. You need to establish your limits, know the ones you are comfortable pushing a bit and listen to yourself.

Underwater photography is a beautiful thing and encompasses and showcases a world that we don’t get a look at first hand. Aim to take some truly incredible pictures but don’t forget to soak in the beauty around you and to really enjoy yourself!

A Simple Guide for Street Photography

Street Photography

As a form of art, street photography has changed things for the better by hitting us with different pieces of art and talented individuals. As the concept receives more light, everyone is excited to learn more and adapt. But that cannot be processed without the help of a definitive guide that will begin things right from the basics. As a result, to hit you with all that you need, we have formulated a simple guide that will take you to the world of street photography. Hence, go ahead and read the following.


In simple terms, street photography is nothing but capturing life in public places. But the name does not stick to specific places, as photographers are known to experiment with public transportation, museums, coffee shops and so on. Due to that, it is spread throughout a long list of opportunities that can be attempted. You need not follow restrictions on this front because life exists everywhere on the planet earth.

The Process

The Process

Street photography can never be complete by just clicking a picture of a random individual walking across the street. You need to compose the image and understand all that you’re planning to implement in the same. The subject of the photo needs to be clear along with the composition, leading lines, symmetry, frames and so on. When such aspects get aligned to create a picture, you can classify your work to be complete.

One of the only ways to achieve the same is through the process of exploration. You need to discover new areas and understand how life transformers in such locations. When you do so, you will come across the unexpected and gain a lot from the process. While doing so tends to be a time-consuming task, you need to be prepared to face it all.

The Importance of Respect

Street photographs are often filled with random strangers that you meet along the way. While there is no hard and fast rule to include people in your work, doing so tends to be a popular trend. So if you’re going ahead to do the same, then always approach by following the concept of respect. Throughout your journey, you might come across people who refuse to be pictured and parents who are very protective of their children. Following and respecting their command needs to be an essential task that every street photographer should practice.



Apart from the points mentioned above, one also needs to look into their gear and understand the importance of setting things right. While preferences and needs tend to change, the best way to understand the same would be to attend a small course on photography. Hence, enrol for the right classes and move ahead to fascinate the world with your photography.


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